
An Overview of Play-Based Learning in Kindergarten and Its Benefits for Your Child

25 May 2021

Children are normally inquisitive about the world. They effectively investigate their current circumstance and their general surroundings through play. By exploring thoughts and language, manipulating objects, acting out jobs, or experimenting with materials like squares, common things, playdough and paint – these are a portion of the manners in which children learn through play.

The play has an important part in learning and is utilised to additional children’s learning in every aspect of the kindergarten program. This is the way children work out their hypotheses and thoughts. Children pose inquiries normally. One of the main inquiries a child pose is “WHY” In trying to find out the answer, children travel through the world with interest, amusement and wonder. In kindergarten, this is called an “inquiry stance.”

Your child will be offered an assortment of chances for learning through investigation, play and inquiry. Through these encounters, they will create and develop, according to the four “outlines” of the kindergarten program.

How to Support Your Child’s Learning through Play-Based Program?

Guardians are the main instructors for their children, and teachers like your involvement in your child’s development and learning at school. Here are a few different ways you can help:

Time and Environment

Give your child time and freedom to investigate at home and locally. Children utilise the entirety of their faculties to find their general surroundings. Ask your child inquiries concerning the things they are interested in. Find out the thing your child is exploring at school and search for approaches to expand on their interest. Share information with the teachers about your child’s interests.

How You Can Uphold Your Child’s Development and Advancement Outside the School and At Home?


Give your child assignments that urge them to make revelations or tackle basic issues. For instance, a clothing container of socks allows your child to investigate approaches to organise, sort, match, tally and work on folding and rolling up socks. This assists your child with accomplishing an assignment by giving them the chance to issue address and find out about their capacities.


Encourage your child to attempt new things and settle on decisions locally. Pay thoughtfulness regarding what catches your child’s interest and consideration. Pose inquiries or offer remarks about their revelations. Be mindful of the tangible information your child is receiving through commotions, scents, sights and surfaces. Utilise this tangible information to chat with your child, e.g., “Did you see that smell? What do you think it is?”