
5 Effective Strategies to Help Your Kindergartner Stay on Task

08 August 2022

Early childhood educators and parents play an important role in giving kindergartners under their care high-quality learning through providing creative kindergarten programs that are best suited to their individual needs and their age. However, one challenging aspect of attending to a kindergartner is managing their behaviour and keeping their attention on a particular task. This is not an easy task, knowing that the average duration of a child’s attention space ranges from two to five minutes. And it would also have to depend on the nature of the task and other variables. So, to make it less daunting, here are […]

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Essential Qualities a Kindergarten Centre Should Possess

28 July 2022

Selecting the most ideal educational setting for your kindergartner is a crucial decision every parent must make. Choosing the best kindergarten centre for your kindergarten is critical in their formative years. The right kindergarten centre helps shape your kindergartner into the best person they have to be in the years to come. Thus, selecting the right kindergarten centre that suits the need of your kindergartner is very essential. Read on to learn more about the essential qualities a kindergarten centre should possess. Clean and Safe Selecting a kindergarten centre that makes cleanliness and safety their top priority is the best […]

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Why Positive Reinforcement Matters in Raising Your Kindergartners

13 July 2022

One challenging aspect of becoming a parent to a kindergarten is managing their behaviour. Raising a child is not an easy task, it is a crucial task to ensure that children behave appropriately as they grow up and face the real world when they have to deal with other children and other social settings. You may be exploring some strategies and approaches on how to deal with this task effectively. Positive reinforcement is an effective approach to raising your kindergartners. Dealing with misbehaviour or tantrums is one challenging aspect and that is where positive reinforcement comes in. To know why […]

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Different Hands-On Learning Activities For Your Kindergartners

28 June 2022

Preparing and educating your kindergartner to slowly prepare them for the higher academic requirement can be challenging but is all worth it when you see them excel academically in the years to come. It is highly recommended that you constantly encourage your small children to engage in hands-on learning activities for them to be able to increase their retention and help them practice problem-solving and critical thinkingwhile still having fun.To help you with this vital task, here are the different hands-on learning activities we have especially outlined for your kindergartners to achieve a meaningful but fun learning process. Categorising and […]

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Five Vital Social Skills Your Children in Kindergarten Should Possess

09 June 2022

As a kindergarten parent, you need to integrate the process of teaching social skills to your children in kindergarten. Teaching and inculcating in the minds of your young children the various essential social skills are one of the critical parts of honing and preparing them for the real world. To help you with thisimportant task, here are five vital social skills your children in kindergarten should possess. Cooperating One of the vital social skills your children in kindergarten should possess is the ability to communicate and cooperate with their peers. As early as now, improving their cooperative teamwork can go […]

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