
Long-Term Benefits of Encouraging Reading to Your Kindergartner

09 January 2023

The importance of a child’s reading abilities to their performance in school, work, and life cannot be denied. And you can do a lot to ensure your child’s success by reading to them from a young age. Your child’s life can be greatly impacted by reading aloud to them, whether it’s a classic book or a collection of fairy tales before night. Below are some of the long-term benefits of reading to your kindergarten: Helps Develop Language Comprehension and Vocabulary Skills Reading to children regularly will increase their literacy, language comprehension, vocabulary, self-confidence, and social skills. Reading to kids at […]

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Tips for Parents When Dealing with Kindergarten Temper Tantrums

12 December 2022

Does your kid scream, kick their feet, and throw themselves to the ground? Since all children occasionally have tantrums, you are not alone. Temper tantrums can be embarrassing and annoying, but with perseverance and patience, you can stop them. Kids throw tantrums to exert control over events or when they don’t know how to handle unpleasant feelings. Your child will learn that throwing tantrums won’t get them what they want when you use disciplining techniques. Here are some suggestions about how to handle kindergarten tantrums effectively. Always Stay Calm The easiest way to handle a tantrum is usually to maintain […]

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How to Get Your Child Ready for Kindergarten?

01 December 2022

All four and five-year-old need to be prepared for school. Learning routines can take some time for certain kids. Knowing what to anticipate will give your child confidence, make them feel more independent, and make it simpler for everyone to adjust to a new setting. In particular, if your child’s first day of primary school is in the upcoming school year, getting ready for school is a terrific thing to do over the break. It’s normal for both children and parents to have some anxiety in the lead-up to such a significant transition. Still, as the first day of kindergarten […]

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How Gower Street Kindergarten Establishes Effective Communication in the Classroom?

21 November 2022

Early growth and future learning of a kid depends on the development of effective communication skills. Students gain communication skills in school that are completely transferrable and necessary in every element of life. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that having a supportive teacher-student relationship has a good effect on students’ involvement in class and, eventually, their academic success. At Gower Street Kindergarten, we’ve compiled our best tips for improving classroom communication and fostering a constructive dialogue between students and teachers. Create a Safe and Supportive Environment Establish a secure and encouraging environment where students can freely express their opinions. For […]

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Gower Street Kindergarten: A Safe Learning Environment for Your Kids

07 November 2022

The learning process for kids of all ages is significantly influenced by the classroom setting. Although every student learns in a completely individual manner, a teacher can create the ideal learning environment by initially establishing limits and standards, creating a safe and inclusive environment, and being consistent in the delivery of curricula, assessment, and reflection. Here are some ways in which we at Gower Street Kindergarten will work towards achieving a safe learning environment for your kids: Promotes Safety and Wellbeing A young mind needs to feel secure, included, understood, and successful in order to learn. A child is more […]

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