Legally the kindergarten cannot accept your child into the program until the Gower Street Kindergarten enrolment form has been completed with immunisations up to date, recorded and returned. On Enrolment Day, an educator will spend a few minutes with you to go through the form and ensure we have all the required information. It is a legal requirement that all children are protected by vaccination and accurate health records are maintained by the Kindergarten management. We need to know if your child has a medical condition so that we can manage this while in our care. Please refer to http://www.vic.gov.au/news/no-jab-no-play.html addressing vaccination requirements from the Victorian government.
If your child has any physical, emotional or social needs requiring additional support or intervention please contact us beforehand so we can plan and best cater for your child’s individual needs. The earlier we are able to address these needs the better we are able to allocate good resources, support and fundingprovide relevant info for health & wellbeing
Parents are asked to send healthy food, which may include sandwiches, fruit, vegetables, cheese and yoghurt. We discourage junk food and sweets (e.g.: chips, lollies and chocolate).
Children are encouraged to take home what they do not eat. This allows you to monitor what your child does eat. Please make sure that lunches are easy to unwrap or open, children can get frustrated with trying to remove plastic wrap and may not always ask for assistance.
Also send a named drink bottle filled with water only. The children will have access to this at all times and staff will refill it if needed.
We ask that you do not bring foods containing nuts (e.g.: peanut butter, nutella®) as some children can have a severe reaction to these foods. Because of this reason, children do not to share their foods with other children.
We do celebrate birthdays with our own ‘cake’ and children get to blow out the candles!
If you would like to celebrate a birthday or special occasion in a particular way, please speak with staff beforehand. Due to risk of allergic reactions we do not encourage sharing of food. Staff will advise about the best way to celebrate. Some suggestions have been fruit birthday cakes which relate to the healthy eating pyramid.
All children are required to wear a hat outdoors from September through to April. Each child is provided with their own hat by the kindergarten and this hat remains at the kindergarten.
Children should be suitably dressed in clothing that cover the shoulders, back and tummy for proper sun protection. Sleeveless tops, singlets and sundresses do not provide adequate sun protection.
It is recommended that during term 1 and term 4 you apply sunscreen to your child before coming to kinder. Sunscreen is available at the kindergarten for reapplication. If your child has particular sensitivities, then we recommend you also supply your own sunscreen (please label with your child’s name).