
Kindergarten Readiness Skills That Your Child Needs

06 January 2020

Kindergarten serves as a site of development for your child’s different skill set. The first few years of education and preparedness are the most crucial to establishing a solid foundation from which children can adapt to school systems and learn successfully. During this period, children develop primary skills that form the foundations of reading, counting, and social interaction. Below are some kindergarten readiness skills that your child needs.

Alphabet Identification

Being able to identify the letters from A-Z in their right or messed-up order is part of the necessary kindergarten readiness skills for your child. They will be able to easily learn how to read if they can identify the alphabet with ease and confidence.

Pen Gripping

Your child must be able to grip a pen fluidly and without discomfort. This is an essential practice because once your child gets used to the feel of the pen in their hand, they can easily move it in any motion they prefer – resulting into the first step of learning how to write.

Name Writing

This is the first thing that a kindergarten child must learn how to write. They should be able to write their own name before anything else using upper and lower cases, if possible.

Number Counting

The most basic numbers that your kindergarten child must know is from one to ten. You can work your way up from there but you have to ensure that they are familiar with the said numbers before teaching them the next ones.

Object Classification

One of the kindergarten readiness skills your child needs is the ability to classify objects according to their size, shape, and quantity. You can do so by incorporating fun lessons like sorting and matching objects with their right groups.

Sentence Completion

Practice with your child in speaking using complete sentences. This enables them to communicate in a coherent and comprehensible manner so that their requests and messages will come across clearly and correctly.

Sight and Rhyming Words Recognition

Your child is kindergarten-ready if he is able to recognise some common sight words like “stop” without the need to verbally utter it. Aside from that, they should also know how to identify rhyming words.

Art Material Usage

A child needs to know how to grip a crayon, or marker correctly with the thumb and forefinger supporting the tip. Also, they should be able to use scissors, glue, paint, and other art materials with relative ease.

Contact Details Recollection

Your child must be able to repeat full name, address, phone number, and birthday. This does not only help in your child’s kindergarten readiness skills. It can also be used for emergency purposes.


This covers a lot of area from managing bathroom needs, getting dressed, cleaning up after self, playing independently and being able to separate from parents easily.

Listening Skills

Listening skills include being able to listen to a story without interrupting and also the ability to follow directions without further ado.

Enrol your child at Gower Street Kindergarten. We deliver a culturally enriched sessional kindergarten program that supports children of all abilities, aged between 3-5 years of age.