
Social Skills Development: Why Is This Important in Kindergarten?

28 August 2020

Without the right social skills, children feel awkward with their peers and shy around adults. In addition, they will not understand the proper behaviour to exhibit in certain circumstances. Since children attend and stay at kindergarten centres, they are the perfect places to concentrate on character and social skills development. In fact, kindergarten centres often offer better opportunities for social interaction with other children than they receive in their home environment, especially when they are the only child at home.

Playtime Provides Opportunities for Social Interactions

Free or organised playtime presents a casual atmosphere for the children to learn how to interact socially with each other in a pleasant way. Simple activities such as sharing time on the swings or giving each other a chance to play with the balls are just some examples of how playtime teaches social skills. On top of this, children can talk and laugh with each other, which expands the communication skills and this is vital to them being comfortable in social settings.

Team Activities Teach Children to Work Well with Others

Team activities within the classroom will teach the children to cooperate with each other in a common goal. A kindergarten teacher can plan art, reading or other types of projects for small groups of four to work on together. The projects do not have to be highly complex in nature. In fact, the projects should encourage the children to succeed instead of being such a challenge that the children struggle to complete the project.

Children Should Learn to Respect Each Other

Another part of social skills development for young children is to learn to respect each other. They must understand that bullying to get their own way is not right under any circumstances. Teachers need to teach the children how they can work out problems peacefully without fighting.

Developing Social Skills Builds Self-Confidence

As children build their social skills in a kindergarten setting, they also develop self-confidence. When children have confidence in their own selves, they are comfortable in various situations without cowering in a corner afraid to speak to others. Their entire lives will be better when they form this type of self-esteem during early childhood. It provides them with a secure feeling of who they are as people.

Parents Should Support the Efforts of Educators

Parents can join together with the teachers at the kindergarten centre to encourage the children to progress through the various stages of developing social skills that are appropriate for their ages. When they do, the children learn these skills easier and faster to benefit their lives.

Teachers must place a priority on guiding young children through social skills development to help them become successful later in life. All childcare programs should include this as a regular part of the curriculum.