
The Importance of Encouraging Creativity in the Classroom for Early Kindergartners

27 May 2022

Early childhood educators play a very vital role in giving the children under their care high-quality learning through providing creative kindergarten programs that are best suited to their individual needs and strengths. These creative kindergarten programs are created to prepare early kindergartens for their academic journey and are curated with the welfare of every child in mind. Encouraging children to express themselves openly and creatively should always be incorporated into all classroom lessons and activities. In this blog, let us look at the importance of encouraging creativity in the classroom for early kindergartners.

Makes Children Learn with Fun

To promote kindergartner’s creative development, kindergarten schools and teachers need to provide and organise activities that incorporate creativity and self-expression. The best thing about constantly encouraging the children to engage in creative plays and activities is they can find their sense of identity and express themselves comfortably and the same learning with fun.

Helps Reduce Stress and Anxiety

The importance of encouraging creativity in the classroom for early kindergartners is it helps reduce stress and anxiety. Creative experiences in a classroom setting can help early kindergartners express their emotions freely and comfortably through various communicative avenues. It helps children develop a strong sense of self and motivates them to be more expressive of what they feel and be more honest with their true emotions.

Enhances Problem Solving Skills

Conductingimaginative plays promotes better memoryand stronger critical thinking skills for early kindergartners. Creative participatory activities are very important to engage the mind and in turn, enhance their problem-solving skills. It enables active engagement and participation in solving problems on their own while still having fun.

Develops Confidence

When participating in creative plays and activities in the classroom, early kindergartners can develop their confidence by interacting with their fellow kindergartners. Encouraging creativity in the classroom is very important for early kindergartners in nurturing their confidence in such a way that it fosters potential connections with other kindergartners. It provides opportunities for young children to develop not just their creativity but also the most important life skills like self-confidence.

At Gower Street Kindergarten Centre,our primary vision is to give every child the opportunity to grow and explore their identity in a community that celebrates diversity. Our curriculum is developed in line with the Victorian Early Years Learning & Development Framework. In planning each session, we consider the development of each child’s physical, emotional, social, and intellectual skills. We are a purpose-built kindergarten, and all our programs are carefully designed to cater for children of different abilities we likewise endeavour to provide every child with various learning opportunities.