
How to Get Your Child Ready for Kindergarten?

01 December 2022

All four and five-year-old need to be prepared for school. Learning routines can take some time for certain kids. Knowing what to anticipate will give your child confidence, make them feel more independent, and make it simpler for everyone to adjust to a new setting.

In particular, if your child’s first day of primary school is in the upcoming school year, getting ready for school is a terrific thing to do over the break. It’s normal for both children and parents to have some anxiety in the lead-up to such a significant transition. Still, as the first day of kindergarten approaches, it’s vital to have an honest conversation with your child. To assist you in preparing your kid for kindergarten, Gower Street Kindergarten has developed some useful school readiness tips.

Build Confidence with Independence

Starting to practise independence now is crucial because when your child starts school, your mornings will be busier than ever. Start with minor tasks like getting dressed and undressed so your child can easily manage their school uniform the following year, and mornings will be less stressful for everyone.

Practice the Rules of the Classroom

To help your child adjust to school, look for community classes. Are there any holiday events scheduled in your neighbourhood for kids starting primary school next year? In order to introduce books and start the process of fostering literacy skills, many local libraries hold story time days or weekly story times over the holidays. It can be a great way to start practising your child with the classroom setup.

Label Personal Belongings

Everyone who works with children in primary schools will advise you to label your personal items! Although several commercially available stickers are effective, a simple and affordable alternative is to buy a permanent marker and a laundry pen that won’t wash off. By getting out some colourful paper and crayons and decorating your child’s lunchbox and bookbag with stickers, you can turn this into a fun art project!

Start the Routine Now

Before school starts, attempt to create daily and evening routines because children do not adapt well to abrupt changes. If you are aware of the time when class begins, plan your holiday schedule to reflect the upcoming year somewhat. Create a routine for going to bed and getting up early! Nobody likes the morning rush, so prepare your child for an organisation by getting their bags, shoes, and other school supplies ready the night before.

Familiarise the School Route

Teach your child the route to school to promote safety. If you live nearby and can walk to school, practise walking with a friend on a sunny day. Try to turn it into a game. While walking, point out odd-looking things or landmarks (or anything else distinctive), so your child can use them as a point of reference while assessing the trip. You can use a similar approach for driving routes or even bus services. If your child ever feels lost or unsure when travelling to or from school.

The skilled teachers at Gower Street Kindergarten have assisted hundreds of children in having a joyful and secure first day of school. Additionally, you may read our previous blog post on how to determine whether your kindergartener is ready for primary school. View our PROGRAMME and contact us at (03) 9478 5374 with more questions.