
Ways on How to Encourage Kindergarten Students to Draw and Appreciate Art

29 June 2020

Kindergarten is a stage of exploration and discovery. It is the time where you will have a bit of an idea of what your kid would be interested in at an early age. The basics of speech, writing and arithmetic could be further developed at this point but the most participated field is the arts and crafts because it is characterised as a fun activity. Below are ways on how to encourage kindergarten students to draw and appreciate art.

Never Denigrate Your Drawing Abilities

The way you see things and the way you respond to them is observed by your kid and it is highly possible that they might emulate it. As such, never denigrate your drawing and art appreciation abilities. Exude confidence in what you can draw and  enjoy the process. For example, if you know you can’t draw an elephant close to its actual image, pretend you can and draw abstract ones in bright colours. You can doodle squares, circles, spirals, hash marks, letters, and whatever else you think of across the page. Children learn by example.

Pay Attention to Their Artworks

Let’s face it, saying “it’s pretty” could sound rehearsed and defaulted. It is easy to hear insincerity when you don’t pay attention to the littlest marks he has made or the colours he had used. As they grow up, they will likely become more elaborate with the stories that go with their art.

Have Fun and Explore

There is no point in being rigid about art since it is not meant to be treated that way. It is best to encourage your kid to discover different media. For example in art materials, it could be paints and crayons. Art ideas could be big or small in size, relevant to daily life, incorporating similar or contrasting colours. For techniques you could introduce watercolours resist and splatter painting. You could also explain new techniques but give him room to explore art on his own. You can be liberal about materials – as long as they are safe for his age. You could also give him his own space where he can concentrate and focus every time he is on an art project.

Take into Account Age Appropriation

You could always start with the occasional observational drawing exercise and preferably in a way that encourages observing as much as drawing. Another method would be a still life drawing exercise with fruit from your kitchen. The most important thing at this age is to encourage open-ended exploration of art materials, self-confidence, and enjoyment in art and learning. Do not speed through the normal developmental stages in drawing and art at her own pace. Once she grows older and retain the same interest then you could improve on it.